Annual Fast and Consecration
January 1-31
Prayer Revival
Establishing a healthy prayer life in 2020
We will focus on building and growing in prayer individually and corporately during the month of January. Join us Tuesdays at 7pm for Bible Study teaching on prayer and Fridays at 7pm for an intimate time of prayer and worship.
Guest Speaker Revival
Faith over fear
Why We Fast
We commence each new year at Bible Way with a corporate month long fast. During this time, we abstain from eating certain food, while focusing on becoming spiritually stronger through prayer, worship and meditating on God’s Holy Word. This season of consecration prepares us for the upcoming year with a heart for God and a clearer understanding of His will for our lives.
The theme of this year, “Faith over Fear, ” is taken from Joshua 1:9: “… Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This year let’s not walk by what we see, but according to God’s Word and our faith in Christ.
Let us prepare our hearts and minds to build 2020 on a solid foundation that will launch us into the calling that God has for us.