Safety Protocols
As we return to church, let’s follow protocols for a safe worship environment.
Those attending worship services are encouraged to wear a mask. Masks offer some protection to the wearer and are also meant to protect those around the wearer. Forgot your mask? No worries, we will have extras on standby.
Our ventilation system has been updated to provide proper filtration.
Sanitizer Stations
Hand sanitizing stations are positioned in the lobby and the Sanctuary. Please use the sanitizer as needed. Remember, don’t touch your face unless your hands are clean.
Regular Deep Cleaning
We will be sanitizing all areas after the service in preparation for next building use.
Not Feeling Well?
If you have symptoms of fever, cough, body aches, runny nose, or if you were recently exposed to COVID-19, we ask that you enjoy the service virtually from your home to minimize the spread of germs.
Here’s what to expect as we transition back to church.
Offering will now occur at the end of service. Givers are invited to use our online giving portal, text to give option, or to give in person. Offering receptacles will be positioned at the altar near the end of service. Thank you for your generosity!
Children’s Classes
As we revamp our services and ministries, we will give our hard-working Children’s Ministry staff time to plan a safe and fun experience for our children. In the meantime, children will be invited to join our main service for a family-friendly worship experience. Interested in joining the ARKK Children’s Ministry? Visit our website to see how you can serve.
Social Distancing
Our sanctuary has been reconfigured to promote social distancing while we worship.
We love preparing and sharing meals together at Bible Way. However, during our transition all meals will be suspended until further notice.
Service Schedule
Our regular service schedule will be condensed to one weekly
in-person service at 10am on Sundays. Bible Study, Men’s Prayer, Women’s Prayer, and all other weekly services will take place virtually.
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